Friday, February 28, 2020

GI system and science coursework assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

GI system and science coursework - Assignment Example Obtained in March, 2014 from the website, the compiled crime data base provides details of various geographical locations across England and Wales. In addition, the website has a unique interface that allows people to view and compare crime rates in any location in England and Wales. ArGIS software used in this task is an important geographical information system that offers a unique functionality for building models, creating maps, compiling geographical data and analyzing the mapped information. The use of Geographical Information System (GIS) tools in crime mapping is increasingly becoming popular among crime analysts in various law enforcement agencies across the globe. This is particularly attributed to the fact that crime opportunities are neither randomly nor uniformly organized in space and time. The underlying theories and scientific basis of environmental criminology were first devised in the early 1980s as seen in the works of scientists such as Patricia and Paul Brantingham among others. With the recent technological advancements, crime mapping has increasingly sought to incorporate modern spatial data analysis techniques in order to address some of the previous inherent limitations of spatial data. According to Andresen (2006), this enables law enforcers not only to make better decisions regarding allocation of resources and formulation of strategies but also to enhance their tactical analysis such as through improved geographical profiling and crime forecasting. Based on these theories, the proposed automated spatial function uses arcGIS software to produce interactive maps of crime rates based on a compilation of the geographical database of crime rates of the greater Manchester region. For example, the crime statistics obtained from the website and other relevant sources such as UK census data are used in conjunction with the Index of

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Internet Tools as Dirt Bikes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internet Tools as Dirt Bikes - Essay Example This information is very instrumental in strategizing the business operations and products. Internet tools are one powerful way of achieving a good level of communication in an organization. How Dirt Bikes could benefit from intranets for sales and marketing, human resources, and manufacturing and production Callaghan (2002) defines intranets as private networks created by organisations using the web technology and the internet networking standards. They create networked applications that are able to run on several types of computers in the organisation including wireless devices that can have remote access and handheld computers. In this way, intranets can be said to provide access to data across an organisation. An intranet can be utilised by the employees of an organisation like Dirt Bikes for human resources, sales and marketing, and production and marketing. Sales and marketing Intranets can help to improve the level of communication between an organisation and its authorised distributors or clients or customers. This can be achieved by linking the computers of customers who have a web browser to the company’s network. This encourages authorised customers of a company to make orders or inquiries about the products of the company. This is because intranets enable the employees of a company to access information from any part of the organisation and hence respond immediately and accurately to the inquiries or needs of their customers (Laudon and Laudon. 2009). This is unlike following long procedures of written requests or face-to-face inquiries. With improved links and access to the company website, these buyers will be able to get timely information regarding the company’s new products, their features and costs. It also eases the process in which the company communicates about its new products to the authorised buyers or distributors. Improved sales can be attained if a company is able to provide customised services to its customers. By utilising the improved communication afforded by the intranet, the employees of Dirt Bikes will be able to respond immediately to product preferences of its various customers. For example, a customer may want an exchange of the brand of motor cycle delivered to them or those found in the distributor stalls. This makes business with the company a memorable one. Superior customer experience encourages repeated business with the company (Laudon and Laudon. 2009). Human resources Intranet increases the level of human resource management and utilisation in a company. Increased human resource management can be achieved by posting benefits information and employee manual on the intranet. This reduces the time spend by the human resource managers of the Dirt Bikes in answering employee questions. It also increases response to employee concerns. Callaghan (2002) explains that intranet facilitates teleconferencing and enables the workers of a company to work together. For example, the human resource manager is able to discuss employee or corporate issues with company employees through the intranet. Employees are also able to communicate with one another with an aim of seeking help or clarifications from each other concerning production. Due to uniformity in information received by all employees, a company is able to cultivate and foster a corporate culture among all its employees. The intranet will also increase the level to which Dirt Bikes utilises its human